I know, different places in the world have different climates.
Put so far, this must have been the oddest spring of all!
Spring; the time of year where after a cold winter, you open up every window in your house to let the fresh new air in. Where the grayness is replaced by blooming flowers, and the temperature rices a little again.
But not here in Georgia.
Here, after the freshness of the winter leaves, people close up every window, seal of every opening, and hope their air conditioner holds. Then, temperatures soar up to 30degrees Celsious (86F), cars turn a Uni-color, and if we had more brick roads, they all would be Yellow Brick Roads. Now, we ended up with just yellow roads. And
I think I might also know where the Beatles got their inspiration for "Yellow Submarine"..
The reason for it all (apart from the temperatures) is the pollen Pine trees release here in clouds. Cars, streets, windows, plants; everything gets a yellow coating.
Quite an experience...
And well, I can imagine a worse color than yellow...